Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mission Impossible: Accomplished, finally.

For a time there I thought it would never happen, but I finally completed my online defensive driving course.

If you have any of the following I suggest you avoid taking an online defensive driving class:

1. a laptop battery that lasts about 45 seconds
2. a 9mos old who pulls up on the laptop cord and unplugs it every 60 seconds
3. a 2yr old who insists on sitting on your lap despite the laptop that is already there
4. a 2yr old who hits the laptop keys & accidentally answers a test question, incorrectly
5. children arguing at a decibel level higher than the laptop's max volume
6. children crying at a decibel level higher than the laptop's max volume
7. children with weak stomachs watching the DWI video's blood and gore shots
8. you plan on spending less than 12 hours to finish your 6 hour course


Brimaca said...

Sounds like tons of fun! lol

Elsha said...

I have given up entirely on trying to use my laptop while Kalena is in the room. It's like she knows you won't play with her while you're on it-- she comes over, looks at the screen, shuts the laptop, and then grins at you like, "okay, you're done now!"

That Janie Girl said...

When I took it, it was bad enough with no distractions.

I did not like it, Sam I am!

Megs said...


Brooke said...

:) Glad you got it finished, sounds like so much fun!

Daniel said...

Just got a ticket myself, so I guess I'll be doing defensive driving also. Hopefully it won't take me longer than the standard 6 hours though.

grammawood said...

I'm surprised you didn't opt to go in person. It would've been a great way to get a break!

emblair said...

Did you know Jeremy was up until 3am the night before our wedding doing his defensive driving. What a fond memory...