Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Comic Relief

If you have never been at your wits end with your children then please stop reading right now.

I don't know how giving the coveted flower spoon to one child can cause such a violent reaction in another child. Nor do I know why that child's reaction frustrated me to the point of seeking sanctuary in my closet, but it did.

I needed some space to calm down and avoid saying out loud the things that were running through my head. I consulted my husband over the phone for advice and was told that the only thing that would help me was a good dose of prayer. He was right, of course.

So I'm in my closet praying that I will like my child again and have enough patience to make it through the rest of the day and the kicker keep my mouth shut unless I have nice things to say. That is hard.

Half way through the prayer I hear this..


The same child I'm praying for patience with is banging on my closet door.


What can you do except laugh? Nothing like a little comic relief to change the mood in your house. Sometimes our answers to prayer come in interesting ways.


Katy said...

Bless your heart! I get overwhelmed sometimes with my three and wonder how people like you with more do it and keep it all pulled together!
I agree that laughing (and praying) through the frustrations change the mood. My problem too often is that I struggle not to crack a smile when my kids throw the most ridiculous fits....sometimes it's just too funny to watch!

Steph said...

That is so funny! There are times I am praying not to strangle someone and that SOMEONE is still asking me things like, "Mom, can I have a Happy Meal, puleeeeease???"
Kids. We would be bored without them.

Tamara said...

which kid...come on, you know you'd feel better if you tattled.

Sarah said...

I have decided that the only way to survive being a mom is by laughing. I do it all the time well, when it is appropriate. =c) This is why I love reading your blog. You are the most positive, fun-loving mom. I am glad your day got better.

lori frerman said...

I have hidden in my bathroom before...

Megs said...

At least you find that funny. I probably would have cried harder. Hey be careful praying for patience. I did that while prego with Ellie. OOPS!