Friday, May 8, 2009

Raising the White Flag

I've tried everything I can think of to keep Ian safe in the confines of our backyard and house.

I installed a flip lock on the front door and thought all was well, but Ian got out the back gate.

I added a key lock to the back gate and thought all was well, but Ian found the hidden key and off he went.

I switched the key lock to a combination lock and added one to the side gate for good measure and thought all was well, but Ian still got out.

"HOW, HOW," I cried to the sky in frustration when I did my quarter hour check of the backyard only to find it empty, again!

Did he learn to scale and jump fences...entirely possible, but no. Instead he has been working diligently during his outdoor play time loosening a slat in the fence. Today he finally removed it and squeezed through the opening.

And so I raise the white flag and mark prison guard off my list of possible jobs I've been trained for while being a stay at home mom. Turns out I'm no good at it.


Dianne said...

maybe if you lock him out he'll invent ways to stay in? JK!! this sounds like a battle that will rage for some time! good luck! emma is sneaky like that too. she waits until we are otherwise occupied and then takes off. on Easter she took off down the sidewalk and around the corner carrying her little princess umbrella without a care in the world. scary!

Daniel said...

Well look at the silver lining...In all seriousness, neighborhood bullies or other people with bad intentions will will have just as hard a time keeping him confined...

Elsha said...

I think you need one of those ankle monitors with an alarm that goes off if he leaves the property.

Katie said...

what a escape artist!

Brimaca said...

Oh my goodness!!!!! He's amazing. It's a good thing he seems to have great survival skills so far - he seems to come home in great condition.

Mel said...

I agree with the idea for the ankle monitor. He's a high-risk for flight, so it's justified, right?

emblair said...

You have to admire his persistence!

Adriane said...

Wow, he just does NOT want to be in the yard huh. My fence wouldn't hold him. It's so old and missing many slats!

Danielle said...

I don't know how you do it. If the ankle monitor doesn't work how about chaining him up so he can't get very far? It is for his own safety, right?

Megs said...

I wish I could help. hey you could try one of those dog collars that shocks them. Totally kidding kind of.

Carrie said...

Can you put a leash on him and attach it to a stake in the middle of the yard?

Or just permanently tattoo your home phone number and address on his arm so he can be returned to you.

I feel bad for you, btw! That's scary that he keeps getting out!

grammawood said...

Ian reminds me of our dog Freckles. Nothing, not the chain link fence, not the electric fence not even the metal chain could keep her in the confines of our yard. She just loved running free. We finally had to take her to the pound. Since that isn't an option for you, I think you ought to look into the ankle bracelet...or try to find out what it is that so enchants him on the outside.