Monday, May 25, 2009

Carlsbad Caverns

We just took a day trip to Carlsbad Caverns. It was a wonderful day. Funny how just a simple change in scenery can create such a great family bonding experience.

We had a picnic together and the kids told me how awesome I was because they each got an individual pringles can AND a capri-sun. Yep, I rock.

Don't they look happy?

We took a hike to explore some mini-caves. I loved hearing the kids' exclamations about finding "fossils". At one point, Amy had so many rocks in her pockets that she gained about 10 pounds.


"A straight plummet to certain death," was the phrase Tara uttered for about 20 minutes. She changed it up slightly by adding, "I wish we had stayed on the surface of the Earth."

I won't lie to you, after 2 1/2 hours of Kyra in the baby bjorn and an occasional sibling on the hip, I was wishing I had stayed on the surface of the earth too. It is amazing how tiring wrangling kids in a no touching area can be.

"It is getting dark, Ian," said Hannah.
"Don't worry Hannah. I have light up eyes." replied Ian.

We had a wonderful time. And a special thanks to Mark and Catherine for coming despite the tire blow-out.


Daniel said...

That looks like so much fun aside from the whole "straight plummet to certain death" part. I bet Tara will have a great score on her SAT vocab section.

When is Tara's baptism because I feel like it has been so long since we have seen you guys. We may have to come visit.

Katie said...

light up eyes? wow! how do i get some of those? ian cracks me up!

The Tremendous Thomas Family said...

Sounds like you got quite the workout! Looks like fun though, I love those simple family trips!

Carrie said...

That looks like fun. And I love the comments from the kids. Adorable!

Brooke said...

That sounds like so much fun. We've been toying with the idea of heading out there, I guess it may be worth just time to talk to Shane into leaving Midland for a day with the family.

emblair said...

Straight plummet to certain death and light up eyes....awesome!

Jill said...

I feel like my family visited Carlsbad Caverns six thousand times in my childhood! Do you still walk on that creepy bridge over the GIANT BLACK HOLE that they tell you is the deepest hole in the entire world? I attribute my hideously irrational fear of heights to that part of the tour.

Megs said...

That looks like so much fun. So Ian is already a charmer. Watch out for that one.

grammawood said...

Looks like a fun little family vacation. I am glad to finally be home from mine. We sure enjoyed our visit with you. Maybe next time we can go to Carlsbad Caverns. How far is it from you?