Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yeah, that sounds fun

The day before the wedding all the Shannon boys and Kristen spent the day together enjoying some quality bonding experiences. I'm all for stuff like that.

It left the sisters-in-laws home with the kids. The SILs decided to enjoy their husband free time with a pedicure. Can you imagine how relaxing it would be for me to take my five children to a nail salon and sit and get a pedicure? I have visions of me jumping out of my massage seat just as they are trimming my nails (which causes them to cut off my big toe) in order for me to do a sliding dive to catch a child before they jump/fall to their demise. Then I get to spend 4 hours in an ER waiting room with the five kids waiting to have my toe reattached. Ah, like I said, relaxing.

Instead I took my kids and 3 of my nieces to an indoor jumping place while the SILs went to a nail salon. 8 kids 7 and under.

That's right.

We only had 5 bathroom visits and 1 diaper change. I passed out a grocery store aisle worth of fruit snacks too. Oh, and if we get bonus points on the test of life I think I deserve at least one for being able to fill out the release form with all the children's names and birth dates...correctly. I did miss one neice's birthday by 2 days, but that is still worth a BOOYAH!

A mini roller coaster for Amy

Ian jumped his heart out

Kallie and Tara playing air hockey.
I think they were attached at the hip the entire trip.

Addie- let it be noted...I totally smoked her when we played air hockey, 5 times.


Once the boys found remote control cars , there was no more jumping

Can't you just see how happy Tara was to pose for this picture.
So not worth the picture.

Edited for explanation and clarification:
I HAPPILY took the kids, and enjoyed it. It was the only chance I had to play with them, and I got to know my nieces better because of it. They were all well behaved. I just thought it would be funny to include what would probably happen if I did get a pedicure. This is not a pity party post and not meant to make anyone feel bad.


Anonymous said...

Laura, I didn't realize you wanted a pedicure!!! Catherine would have stayed with the kids! You should have told us! I thought the 3 we left you were pretty well behaved! Thanks! The kids had fun.

Brooke said...

You're my hero. No way I would offer to take that many least without Shane as backup! Awesome, I'm sure that the kids had a blast and you just rocketed to "favorite aunt" (if you weren't already there...)

Jaimie said...

You're so awesome! You should be sainted :) I don't know if I could handle that, you go girl!

Catherine said...

You sure have some evil SIL's

grammawood said...

I think playing with kids beats a pedicure any day.