Friday, April 24, 2009

GI JOE Birthday Party

I survived, in case you were wondering.

Finally the boys' birthdays and parties are done! This year we did the boys party together since they wanted some of the same friends to come. I don't know why I stress out so much beforehand (actually I do, it's because making cakes stresses me out.), but it was really easy and fun once we got started.

The recruits

Grenade Throw

Grenade water balloon fight

Backpack relay

Basic Training Obstacle Course

The Tank Cake

Blowing out the candles.

Fun had by all

Mission Accomplished

Official GI JOE Soldiers

So much fun and SOOO glad we didn't get rained out!


Danielle said...

What a fun party! I love the cake, you did a great job!

Katie said...

fabulous cake!!

Christina said...

The cake is VERY impressive!

Elsha said...

Looks like lots of fun. And I love that cake!

Laura said...

I think that is SO cool that they can have their birthday parties together. Tell everyone hello!

Adriane said...

I love the cake! Call me any time if you feel overwhelmed and don't think you can get the cake done. I'm certified and I love to do cakes!

emblair said...

Well no wonder making cakes stresses you's so stinkin' cool!

Jaimie said...

Your cake rocks! You did a great job :) And the boys loved the party, good work!

Mary Lampros said...

You're a regular Aunt Marilyn with a cake like that...she always made such creative and fun cakes for our parties. Your kids will remember that for years to come!

Julie said...

Impressive Laura. Looks like any boy's dream birthday to me.

grammawood said...

Looks like fun! And it brings back memories of birthday parties I did for my kids. Thank goodness it didn't rain! That would've been some hand grenade toss in the living room!