Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Family Camp Out

Let me be honest, when Jared told me that the family would have to go on a camp out together so he could pass off his Woodbadge Merit Badge, I was less than thrilled.

However, after a really wonderful weekend I'm singing a new tune. I did learn/realize a few things from the trip:

1. Check the park schedule of events. Otherwise you might be camping during a Tejano Music Festival, in which case you can listen to Tejano Music at a volume level akin to a concert until 3am. (Except for that hour and a half where another camper decided to have their own version of battle of the bands and we enjoyed 80's rock dueling Tejano. Kumbia Kings beat out AC/DC in case you were wondering.)

2. You don't have to be at Kohl's for people to stare at you. I guess people don't see sights like this very often.

3. Kids will climb on anything (I didn't learn this as much as was reminded of it)

4. Being sticky is worth it if you are roasting marshmallows to make s'mores.

5. Boys LOVE fire. Seriously, they love it and are mesmerized by it.

6. My husband is awesome. (He let Amy sleep with him in his sleeping bag all night long. That is a serious sacrifice for Jared. He should get a medal or something.)

7. My kids love each other, and play well together especially without four walls around them.

8. We need a bigger tent (something about sleeping 7 people in a 5-6 man tent)


Brooke said...

We'll let you use our tent next time. Two tents; one for the kids, one for the adults...seems to be a good idea!

Christina said...

You're such a good sport. I would have told the man that he could just FORGET IT.

Steph said...

I bet if you asked the kids they would say they had the best day ever! We do it for them anyway, right?

Katie said...

what a fun weekend! love smores...

Brimaca said...

I'm kinda jealous. Looks like a lot of fun. We may have to do that this weekend. The music thing is pretty funny. I've had that experience before but I didn't have kids. Whole nother story with kids.

Danielle said...

Look how happy everyone is! Looks like fun, music and all! We also have a tent you can use. It is a two room tent so adults in one room, kids in the other. It even has closets for the clothes. Because that is such a necessity. ;)

Julie said...

I LOVED this post! It looks like the kids had fun - you can always catch up on sleep later, right?

Jaimie said...

Tons of fun for everyone! Gotta love the music though :) Why didn't Jared start blaring some tunes?

Adriane said...

Where did you guys go camping? We are heading out on our own family camping trip this Friday--trying to figure out where I want to go. Looks like you all had a great time!

grammawood said...

I love the picture of the stair step kids. (Or should I say stare?) We usually had fun camping, except the time we were with your family in Colorado and my kids were throwing up!

Megs said...

Sorry but I have to laugh at the music part. 3am WOW!

You are seriously one on the prettiest people I have ever seen EVER! Look at you in the pic roasting marshmallows I had to blow it up to see if you were really that freakin' hot. Verdict YES you are.