Thursday, March 12, 2009

Piles and piles of Logic

My conversation with Ian went something like this...

Me: Ian why do you keep stepping on all the clean clothes?

Ian: because they are every where.

Well, he has a point.


emblair said...

Can't argue with his logic! That is one heck of a lot of laundry...

Brimaca said...

LOL. True at our house also. What I can't figure out is why my kids are in diapers for every picture but I have more laundry then should be possible for only two children.

Dianne said...

Kid logic..just can't beat it.

Sarah said...

LOL...that is so cute. Atleast he is honest, right? LOL

Megs said...

Laundry...UGH! Tell Emily Mine is just as bad and we do it all the time.