Thursday, March 19, 2009

Flushed Away

For those of you following the drama....

When Ian was 2 he dropped my cell phone and Jared's PDA into the toilet within days of each other. I didn't think that toilet story would get topped.

Turns out Amy is a one upper.

On Wednesday morning while I was in the shower, she flushed my wedding ring down the toilet. (I had put my rings on the back of the toilet because they had just been cleaned and I didn't want them to get dirty) I thought they were safe because it was early and kids were still sleeping. I also didn't lock the door. Right at the end of my shower Amy came into my bathroom, probably to say good morning. Then I heard the toilet lid slam closed and the flushing sound. I jumped out of the shower afraid she had flushed my glasses. No such luck. My heart sunk to the pit of my stomach when I saw her wearing my blue ring that Jared gave me for our 9th anniversary. I knew then that my wedding ring was gone.

Yes, I tried to get it back. The toilet was removed, cameras run, the back yard dug up on a false hope. It's gone. No, it isn't insured. It wasn't incredibly valuable; it was just mine. No, I'm not going to get a new one...I've got 5 small kids to feed, a husband in school, our employment is in an industry highly affected by the down-turned economy. Who has money to get a new ring?

Maybe when I'm 50 and all the kids have left home.

I had a REALLY bad day on Wednesday. I cried buckets. I didn't know I was so attached to a piece of jewelry. I still feel sick in the pit of my stomach, but I'll be ok.

I hugged Amy last night and cuddled her to sleep. I whispered to her as she drifted off that Tara and Kyra can fight over my rings. She already got hers.


Brooke said...

I'm sorry! Nothing can replace a wedding ring, not even a "replacement" wedding ring. I'll get you a ring-pop though, just to see if it helps... :)

Jae said...

It sounds like Amy and Ian are in business together! So many of your stories involve the two of them. I am so sad for ya!!!

emblair said...

Oh Laura.........

emblair said...

I am so, so, sorry.

Dianne said...

sniff..sniff...I'm crying for you..that's so sad.. I'm sorry

Brimaca said...

Oh I'm so sorry. I lost my ring when M was a baby. I had lost weight and it was a little big and slipped off somewhere. It was my mom's ring before it was mine. I loved it. My heart still aches for it. It was so pretty and so unique and so mine.

Mardi said...

Oh, that is one of my big fears, which is why I never wear mine in the shower or doing dishes. I'm going to learn from this and watch where I put mine from now on. I'm so sorry for you!

Becky Shuler said...

Oh Laura! I am so sad for you and send my condolences! As I was reading your story, I was just sure you were going to tell us that you found it in drain...I'm so sorry! I know you must be heart broken but at least she didn't flush BOTH the rings! Just wear your anniversary ring on your ring finger now. So sorry!

Elsha said...

Oh Laura, that sucks so much. I saw your comment about it and I was really hoping you'd be able to get it back. I'm so sorry!

Megs said...

Oh, Laura I am so so so sorry. I was reading your story and feeling your loss and started to cry. Then in your usual Laura wit you had me laughing my head of at the end.

Again I am so sorry. It is times like this I really wish I was rich so I could just send you the money. The only thing I could send you right now is a cracker jack ring. Oh man, I am so so sorry.

Melissa said...

I saw your mom and dad today and they told me the story. My heart stopped when they said what happened. I guess thats when we realize that the "things" are not as important as what they symbolize and thank goodness what they symbolize for you is a whole heck of a lot better than any ring could ever be. Love you!

Karen S. said...

My heart dropped reading your story, that is so sad. I thought I almost lost mine at Wal-Mart once, it made me sick..

grammawood said...

Laura, I am so sorry about your ring! Years ago mine got bent and my diamond fell out so Dave got me another one, just a simple little gold band. I took it off to make bread and put it in my pocket and I lost it. I felt so bad, but just a few years ago Dave got me another one while we were visiting Becky in Florida. Yeah, I was over 50. It is a simple gold band, and I love it much better than the diamond I had, and I never take it off either. Better to have 3 different wedding rings and one marriage I say.

Like one of your friends said, you have what's more important. Try not to feel too bad; you've definitely earned beaucoups of jewels in your crown!

Julie said...

So sorry for your loss Laura!! I couldn't believe what I was What a hard day.

Adriane said...

So sorry to hear about your ring. Mine is in danger of losing it's stone so I have put it away until I can get it fixed. Bought a sterling silver band for $15 at walmart to wear just to show I'm married, but it's not the same.