Thursday, March 26, 2009

Covering Tracks

In an attempt to solidify my position in the family as "the one with all the crazy kid stories", I'm sharing yet another. (I doubt there is really any chance of a coup in the crazy kid stories department, since all of my nieces and nephew are practically perfect in every way and none of their parents would benefit from a surprise Super Nanny visit. I, however, would welcome her insight. I've got a few nagging questions...)

Eric had a dentist appointment that finished just in time for us to be too late to send him back to school and too early to go home before we needed to pick up Tara. I decided why not hang out on the school's playground. I got a great parking spot and Amy, Ian, and, Eric scored some quality time on the jungle gym. With Kyra asleep in the car, I was wearing a path between the playground and my car.

During one of those said visits I turned back toward the playground and got and eyeful...of Ian's butt. There he was at the highest point of the playground peeing. Of course he didn't do this when we first got to the school or shortly there after (when there was no one in sight). He waited until 2 minutes before the bell, so the maximum number of parents are aware of my parenting follies.

I rushed back to Ian and did the only logical thing. I kicked sand over the wet spot to cover our tracks.


The Stringers said...

Ah, the joy of boys. Mine recently peed in the middle of an outdoor birthday party. I can't really gripe because I know full well this behavior is totally okay at home.

Danielle said...

Oh boy that is just as funny as the first time you told me. Can't wait for the next pee story! What am I to do when Nicholas gets bigger?

lori frerman said...

I guess I know what to look forward to! Maybe I will delay potty training 10 years!

Christina said...

oh goodness. kids are sooo lacking in the manners department aren't they? my girls totally eat their boogers in public. without shame!

Steph said...

I would start saving for therapy now. Ha ha ha. You know I am kidding. I have a public peeing kid, too. Wouldn't it be nice if they could use the little hole in the front of their undies instead of dropping their pants to their ankles?

Brooke said...

I freaked out as a single mom when I took Lincoln camping and someone taught him to pee outside! I knew for sure life was never going to be the same again...thankfully I still have never had to experience what you did at the school! I'm laughing with empathy, I promise!

Brimaca said...

Can he get any funnier! Crazy kid!

Catherine said...

Gotta love that kid! And just for the record, I have never, and will never claim to have perfect kids.(: