Thursday, February 12, 2009

Exercise or Socialize

I went running this morning. Stop laughing...I mean it.

I use the term "running" loosely. I think of the 3 mile distance we covered, I jogged about .75 of a mile.

I'd like to say it is because I am out of shape, but I know the truth. (I could have pushed through it if I really wanted to.)

We had to walk because it is so much more fun to talk, right Danielle? You remember it that way too and not because of heavy breathing or profuse sweating, etc.

I can't think of a better way to start my morning than waking up at 5:50am to go socialize, oh I mean exercise, for an hour with a friend.


Danielle said...

you better believe the socializing is the best part of it. It is the only reason I can stand to exercise. Too bad starting my day that early didn't help my mind work any clearer. I was later than I normally am. Guess I should get to sleep earlier tonight!

Brooke said...

Sometimes socializing is as good for the body as physical exercise! Glad that you guys could go, and good luck on your 5k training! :)

Megs said...

I need to start doing something. Even if it is just walking so I can chat with my girls. I am in desperate need to move my pahookie.

Megan said...

i can think of something better, its called sleeping!! Yall are nuts but way to go!!

Megan said...

i can think of something better, its called sleeping!! Yall are nuts but way to go!!

Catherine said...

kudos to you for waking up at 5:50 (: