Sunday, February 15, 2009

Belating the Birthday

This is why Amy's birthday is being postponed. Hopefully she will be better by tomorrow (especially since this is day 5 of fevers)

Oh, and Kyra has RSV. We've got a house full of sickos.


Danielle said...

I hope you guys can all get healthy and stay that way. She looks so sad!

Catherine said...

Poor babies! Happy Birthday Amy!

Megs said...

I am so sorry to hear about the sick ones. We are in the same predicament. Mine have been sick since Thursday. I am so sick of throw up I could throw up! Tell Amy to get better fast. Happy one kiddo

Dianne said...

Oh, she looks miserable! Poor kid!

Katie said...

hope you all get better soon... no fun!!

Rachel said...

Those poor babies! Will it ever end? That's no way to spend a birthday. I'll plan on preschool being canceled tomorrow unless I hear otherwise. Feel better soon!

emblair said...

Poor, sweet Amy. Hope she gets to feeling better soon!! Especially so she can enjoy her special day...whenever it ends up being!