Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President George W Bush in Midland, Tx

When I heard that President Bush was making his post-presidential speech in Midland, I knew we needed to go. Regardless of personal political positioning, seeing a president is a big deal (to prove it school was let out early for the occasion).

I got a family pass and got a friend to watch Ian and Amy. I'll admit Tara and Eric were NOT excited to stand in the same place in a crowd of 30,000 people for 3 hours, but they will thank me when they are 30, right?

We got there at about 2pm and waited, and waited. We listened to a couple of country performers. The Gatlin Brothers, Rodney Adkins, and Lee Greenwood. It was the first time I had been to anything that resembled a concert...same thing for Tara and Eric. That part was fun.

Here is what the kids thought about waiting for 3 hours....

Kyra lets us know how she feels.

Eric passed the time by playing games on Jared's blackberry

It was really loud

Then the awesome stuff started to happen.

Helicopters circling the airspace.

Secret Service Men on the roof.

Air Force One flying over head (it was actually called Special Air Mission 28000 since he isn't the president anymore.)

on the approach

Pres Bush requested a fly over to see the size of the crowd.

Then we saw President and Laura Bush.

I enjoyed the conversational quality of President Bush's speach. It felt like he was talking with me in a grocery story checkout line, or foyer of a church...despite the other several thousand who were crammed around us.

I know this post is long, sorry I usually try and keep it short and sweet, but you don't have to read!

There were several quotes that struck me. I wanted to share why.

"I wouldn't be here without the unconditional love of my parents." I hope to be a parent who can provide this security and support to their children.

"Sometimes what I did was unpopular, but that's OK I always did what I thought was right." Honestly, what more can be added to that?

"I tried to make the hard decisions so future Presidents and Congresses wouldn't have to." Passing the buck is overrated.

I found myself surprisingly emotional during the rally. It was a powerful feeling to be surrounded by so many people who love their county, are proud to be Americans, and want support their leaders. I was reminded about how priviledged I am to live in this land and what the Book of Mormon says about this land being a choice land blessed by God.

I am thankful I got to share this day with my husband and most of my children...


Brooke said...

I'm glad that you got to go with your kids. I stayed home and sent Lincoln with the in-laws, as you know since you were right behind them! It'll be a great thing for them to talk about one day. I was also emotionally affected by his talk. It was personal and good. :)

Katie said...

I was glad we went too... my boys may think otherwise, but it was a good experience for them, right?!

Julie said...

That's so cool that you guys could go. I too was surprised by my emotion at his farewell. I didn't agree with everything he did, but I was always appreciative that he did what he thought was right even if it wasn't popular. Seems like my parents tried to teach me that...

Sarah said...

that's so awesome! i remember seeing president bush when he was the guest speaker at ben's graduation. in his speech he said, "always listen to your mother". he may be disliked by quite a few but he sure does have some good things to say.

Megs said...

That would have been really neat to be apart of. JJ would have loved it. He is totally into history and the United States.

Steph said...

The bows came from a place called "Daisy's", I think?

Melissa said...

Thanks for the patriotic reminder. Sometimes I get discouraged with all the media about the government - but you are right we are blessed to be in this country. Thanks for sharing your experience. I miss our "feeding" and night chats from Thanksgiving. We really should connect up soon.

The Stringers said...

That sounds like an amazing time. I would have loved to have been there. By the way, you are so beautiful!

grammawood said...

Laura, I think your kids will appreciate that you took them. Like Sarah said, we heard him speak at Ben's graduation, and I was impressed with his advice: "Always listen to your mother and always be on time." Hopefully history will feel better about him in 30 years, right when your kids are thinking how glad they were to see him.
Ironically, I had similar feelings of gratitude when I watched Obama's inauguration. We really are lucky to live in such a great country!

Mary Lampros said...

Laura, thanks so much for your post. I get so irritated with everyone calling him the worst president. I think he's a good man that got a lot of bad press and I would have enjoyed going with y'all if we'd had the opportunity. Thanks for the pictures; I'm going to show my husband!