Monday, January 5, 2009

Four Months of Bliss

Kyra is four months old and I have loved every minute of it. How does it go by so fast?

I've learned that Kyra is incredibly patient. She lets Amy practically maul her without protesting. I have noticed a special bond between Ian and Kyra. He loves and protects her. She adores him and smiles and coos for him.

Kyra laughs easily and smiles often.

She has found her thumb.


Ally said...

She is a doll, and she is getting so chubby! Love it!

emblair said...

Molly was looking at the new family picture I put up yesterday, and she of course pointed out Amy first. I was way surprised though when she found Kyra next and said, "Kyra, such a cute baby!"

emblair said...

Oh, and.... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Hopefully you and Jared can enjoy a minute or two to yourselves this evening! Love ya, Em

Elsha said...

What a cutie!

Katie said...

wowzers...four months already?!!

Carrie said...

Kyra is really chubbing up! And I love the thumb sucking! My Ava was a thumb sucker and sure, she was sick far more often than either of her siblings have been, but by golly it looked so cute and she could find that thing without any trouble at all! No searching for pacifiers or, heaven forbid, mommy's special pacifiers when the need to suck arose!

That's so sweet that she has a special relationship with certain sibs already.

Dianne said...

very sweet.

Megs said...

They grow way to fast. She is getting so big. I love that she sucks her thumb. Sucks for you though. Who do you think she looks like?