Sunday, January 11, 2009

Cinnamon Rolls

Who doesn't like homemade cinnamon rolls? Exactly.

I decided to make some Saturday morning as a way to show my family how much I love them. Fortunately, I have a recipe that can be finished in one hour, so my whole day wouldn't be in the kitchen.

However, Tara decided that she wanted to help bake. It is amazing how much fun you can have cooking with your children, but you have to double the time it takes to prepare the food. Maybe triple the time.

We had Cinnamon Rolls for lunch.


Megs said...

I need a quick recipe. Will you email me that one. Thanks so much. It looks like your kids know you love them. We did Betty's cupcakes today. Does that mean I don't love them as much because it came from a box? JK

Rachel said...

ONE HOUR!!! The recipe I have I am only willing to make once a year at Christmas because it takes two days. Please, share!

Katie said...


grammawood said...

I'd love your recipe too. Maybe I could interest Sarah in making them. You are lucky your daughter want's to cook with you. I was never so lucky!

emblair said...

Looks dee-licious! And one've got to share that one! Can you email the recipe to me too. Pretty please?!

Mary Lampros said...

Okay, looks like you can't get out of posting that recipe. Girl, I'm so proud you let your kids eat them for lunch. If there is ever any apple pie leftover in my house, it serves as breakfast. And sometimes birthday cake, too, as long as it goes with a big glass of healthy milk. hee hee.

Becky Shuler said...

Okay Laura, just go ahead and post the recipe! We all want it! If it is a secret, email it please! They look so yummy! You are a great Mom!