Tara really, really needs to lose that tooth! She won't let me touch it because I could have it out in about 3 seconds flat. You know why she won't let me pull it, or pull it herself for that matter?
She is convinced that she will make more money from the tooth fairy if she looses her tooth in January. She explained her theory to Eric and I got to eavesdrop.
Tara: If I loose my tooth now I'll get like a nickel because the Tooth Fairy is almost out of money.
Eric: Why?
Tara: Because, duh, the Tooth Fairy only has a certain amount of money every year. When you loose your tooth in January, she gives more money because she has more money. If you loose your tooth in December you get, like, shiny pennies.
Eric: Oh, I hope I loose all my teeth in January.
Tara: Mom and Dad lost all their teeth in December because they only got nickels. (This was said in a tone of one imparting great knowledge to another!)
I'm not sure if I should be horrified by her greediness or proud of her understanding of economics supply and demand curves!
You should let her wait until January and then tell her, "Oh, sorry. The tooth fairy only gives out money in even numbered years. Too bad."
I'd be impressed, and then I'd tell her to be sure and keep her money she gets for college, 'cause she's smart! :)
Shiny pennies....hilarious! And she's certainly one smart cookie. You have to admire her thought process!
Tell her that if loses her tooth at Nana and Papa Bob's house then the tooth fairy delivers double because both the Texas and Oklahoma tooth fairy agents will be at work!
That girl is too smart! I was a little worried when she said, "Because, duh..." but then the rest of the sentence wasn't at all what I expected! Ah, to have the creative mind of a child again...
She really is one smart little girl. I don't think I ever even thought of that. I will have to see if my kids get more depending on when they become a hole in the mouth again.
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