Sunday, November 2, 2008

The hyper halloweener - problem solved

Jared offered to take the kids "camping" in the backyard. It sounded like a good idea at 3pm; at 9:30pm when I was on my 4th trip out to the tent, (this time with 5 blankets, 3 cups, a glasses case, and everyone's special lovey) I was beginning to wonder.

Then I saw Eric's face and it was all worth it.

I was surprised (beyond belief) that no one came inside. Especially since Tara was worrying about the fact that "this isn't my normal bed" and Eric was cold, etc. Huge hats off to my wonderful husband for giving me a night sleep interrupted by only 1 kid instead of 5!

I love you Jared.


Maddock Family said...

What a good hubby!

Megs said...

What a great Daddy. I need one of those nights.