Friday, October 3, 2008

Which baby is mine?

I was at a soccer game for Tara and talking with one of the other moms. Since it is Tara's first season, I'm still getting to know these ladies. This woman had a 9 yr old daughter who asked her mom, "which baby is hers?(meaning me)" The mom answered, "All the babies are hers."

When I go to a soccer game, I am wearing Kyra in the baby bjorn, pushing Amy in the umbrella stroller, chasing after Ian, and of course Tara and Eric are tagging along. I guess I can see why they would think that all the babies are mine!

Hum, wonder if I am effective birth control for all the other soccer moms out there?


Katie said...

that is hilarious!! that gave me a good laugh.

Megs said...

Seriously, crazy lady with all the babies comin' through. I love it. I can just see the woman saying it to her kid. I love it when people say to me "are they all yours" in a not so pleasant tone. I just look at them and say Yep in a very proud tone. Or if I am feeling nasty I say, still don't know who the father is.

Brooke said...

I love those kind of comments! I even love the strange looks when I go to the store. One day I'm going to lose it and say, "are you going to keep staring, or are you going to help!?!?" You handle 5 better than I handle 4, gosh Superwoman, give us a break! :)

emblair said...

Haha...that's cute.

Becky Shuler said...

You go girl! I am proud of you! I only have 3 and they are a lot to handle out and about at once! I don't know how my mom did it with7 of us...! Keep up the good work!