Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kyra talking...

This is how I feel about my older siblings.

You see they never seem to leave me alone. Ian likes to take me out of my bed and carry me to the couch where he snuggles me. I don't think Mom likes it. When she grabs me away from Ian, I can feel her heart racing. Saturday morning I was crying and crying for my Mom. She didn't come right away because she was still asleep. I was crying because Ian had gotten me out of bed, again. It is one thing for him to do this during the day, but when it is still dark outside it makes me nervous.

Amy has started to follow in Ian's footsteps. She has figured out how to drag me around. Mom tries to watch out for me, but I guess sometimes she has other things to do. Amy is the scary one. I think she will hurt me. I do like it when Amy burps me though. She does it better than Mom.

I'm pretty sure it will get better, but I sure I hope I can hold my own soon.


Elsha said...

She needs her own little force-field so that only adults can pick her up:)

Ashleigh said...

you have some very determined children. poor kyra...

Megs said...

Poor baby, and poor Mommy. We had a up all night last night and I can't stand how tired I am. I just feel like I need to get one good night of sleep. That is all I want for Christmas this year. ONE good night sleep. I have a feeling that is to much to ask.

Brimaca said...

Reading your blog makes me go back and forth between wanting many more kids...and not. ;)