Thursday, October 9, 2008

Keep your head up

This always happens after I have a baby. I have a day where everything catches up with me. Yesterday was that day. I was worried about the baby. I was upset about the really really messy house. I had piles and piles of laundry unfolded. My kids were cranky and mean to me and each other. I was really past tired and into full blown exhaustion. I broke down.

I was sitting on the floor in the boys room crying. If I'm honest, I had been crying for about an hour off and on. I had my head leaned back against the boys bunk bed while I *enjoyed* my pity party. That is when Ian came into his room. He saw me leaning on his bed and since he was cranky didn't like it. He came into his room, climbed on his bed, and lifted my head off his bed. Then he told me, "Keep Your Head Up Mom."

It wasn't meant as a speech to pump me up, but it did the job. Thanks buddy!


Christina said...

It's comforting to know that even a Supermom like you has pity parties, too.


Jaimie said...

What?! I can't believe it. You are still not coming down off of the pedestal I have you on though, you ARE Supermom and your house is not a mess! Hello? Have you seen mine lately? :) Sorry you had such a hard day. It will all work out!

Katie said...

Sweet little guy! Maybe motivational speaking is in his future! ;)

Brimaca said...

Glad you saw the humor in it. I might have retorted something ornery back to him. I haven't learned to handle my stress so well yet. Hopefully I'm getting there!

Brooke said...

It's days like this where you call me and say, "can you take 5 or 10 of my kids?" and I'll say with a resounding, "Yes, of course, because next week I'll be calling you!" :) Seriously, call me next time. I live for messy houses and tears, it's what I'm all about!

Megs said...

I had a lot of those days this time. I think your a trooper to only have one, but keep your head up. I totally agree with Ian.(only in a nice way not a put out way;) You are a superb Mom. Laundry will get caught up in about 3 months. I should know, I am finally making it to the bottom. The grocery store is no longer scary, and I actually get dressed. WAHOO!

emblair said...

I think kids can be so thoughtful when they see you crying. The last time Molly witnessed it, she asked if I needed an Ariel papi, brought me her special green blanket, and then sat patting my back. So sweet!

Dianne said...

There's your wonderful sense of humor here to save the day again. I've got to tell you...since you posted about praying to have a sense of humor, I've been trying it and it helps!! I'd never thought of that before. Thanks Super Mom, you're great. Hey, I'll say it since the kids seemed to have forgotten to for the moment. Warm hugs sent your way.