Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hi Honey, shall I crush your dreams now...or later?

I like to watch TV with Jared after the kids are in bed. It is relaxing and usually involves a bowl of ice cream, so I'm very happy. Lately it has been a frustrating experience because the speaker on the TV is going out. Any time we watch a show that has anything blowing up, (insert ALL Jared's favorites) we hear a rattling sound. It drives us crazy.

Crazy enough that we went to look at new TV's. They are expensive. Jared has been arguing that we will need one by Feb 2009 anyway. I have been arguing back that we have a coupon for a free converter box, etc. He always has a reason to get a new TV and I always have a reason not to. Until the speakers went I was on board too.

Yesterday I was cleaning around the TV and noticed a funny color on one speaker. I looked closer and found a penny shoved in between two speaker slots. Interesting. I pulled out the eyeglasses screwdrivers and popped it back out. Then I looked at the other speaker and discovered that there was a penny that had been shoved all the way inside. The penny rattling up against the inside of the TV was our sound problem, not the TV dying.

That is when things got interesting. Now I have all four varying-sized eyeglasses screwdrivers out. I'm trying find the combination of the two that will allow me to anchor the penny, flip it perpendicular to its current position, line it up between two slats, and pop it back out. It took me about 20 minutes of trying before I gave up. It can't be done with a three yr old playing piggy back on you and an 18mos old trying to sit in your lap. That, my friends, is why surgeons don't take their kids to work with them.

I reattempted about an hour later during nap time and while Ian was preoccupied in the other room (sneaking Koolaid...again. I haven't bought any more, but he hasn't destroyed our year supply yet.) I got the blasted penny out of the TV on my first try. You can applaud my amazingly steady hands if you like.

Then I had to report on my success. My phone conversation went like this:

Jared: hello?
Me: You can tell me now how amazing I am.
Jared: Ok, you are amazing, why? (slightly bored, however it was convincingly said)
Me: Because I fixed your TV.


Jared: Why does that make you amazing, now I can't get a new one.
Me: Yep, so now I've fixed your TV and saved us $1000. I AM amazing.


Me: You can say Thanks...
Jared: (hesitantly) Thanks for fixing the TV I really wanted to replace, so now I have no good reason to get the new one I really, really wanted.
Me: Your Welcome. See ya at dinner!

So anyone want to challenge me to a game of Operation? I think I might just kick your butt. Or I can crush your hearts desires now too if you would like.


Jaimie said...

Thanks for the laugh! I really needed a good one :)

Elsha said...

You ARE amazing:) That is awesome.

Brian said...

Makes me wonder who put the coins in there to begin with. Jared, try nickels or quarters. They're thicker and Laura might not be able to get them back out.

Maddock Family said...

That is so funny. My husband and I have had the same conversations lately. Fortunatly for him though, there arent any "surprises" working in my favor!

Danielle said...

That's great! Kids can stick things in the oddest places.

Heather Tew said...

Sounds like your the master..I am ready to take you at Operation anytime though!!! Too bad can't say that you didn't want a new tv. I am sure it is bigger and badder than the one that you already have.

Katie said...

good job laura! who would have thought... pennies? funny!

Megs said...

We are having the same TV battle. I think it is stupid to spend $$$ on a TV when we need so many other things. We are saving up for a new one and every time I see that money I think of all the really good stuff we could buy instead of one stupid TV. I will have to say that I do love my snuggle TV time though.

Way to crush a Mans dreams. I am so proud of you. Your conversation reminded me of mine with Jeron. He is always slightly bored when I tell him to call me amazing.

Carrie said...

That's great! What's with men and TV's anyway? We're having the same discussion at our house, but Scott insists we need a new one b/c the little tiny panel cover on the front of our TV has popped off and we can't get it back on.

Brimaca said...

That was really well written. I loved all of it. I loved when people make me giggle.