Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday's Adventure

Ok, so I have found what my limit is. Two babies under 6mos with an 18mos "helper" this term is used very loosely. Here is what we did Friday.

FEED - Kyra
WAKE UP - like how I didn't really wake up until after the baby feeding and shower!
FEED - Tara, Eric, Amy
DROP OFF - Tara and Eric to school
FEED - Ian
DROP OFF - Kalena arrives
FEED - Kalena and the same time. It can be done people!
CHANGE - Kalena
NAP - Kyra
PICK UP - Ian goes to a play date (whew)
NAP - Kalena (what is with her 20 minute naps?)
NAP - Amy (what is with HER 20 minute nap...conspiracy?)
FEED - Kyra
FEED - Amy
FEED - Jared and oh yeah, I needed to eat something too
NAP - Amy (a good one this time)
CHANGE - Kalena
FEED - Kalena
NAP - Kalena
DROP OFF - Ian comes home from play date
FEED - Kyra
NAP - Kyra
WAKE UP BABIES - Crazy, but I had to pick up the big kids, so I packed up 4 kids in one double stroller, a baby bjorn, and onto a scooter to go pick up 2 more. Yes that is right everyone should walk two miles with 6 kids...FUN! Actually it was. We had to go slow for Ian's little legs so we looked at lots of butterflies, grasshoppers, sidewalk cracks, gum, puddles, mud, etc.
FEED - Tara, Eric, Ian, Amy, Me
PLAY - bike riding and scooters
PICK UP - Kalena gets picked up.

Then it was time to make dinner! I did manage to load and start the dishwasher and call four hotels about vacancies for my family to come visit next week. Other than that I just did a lot of bouncing babies, and blowing my hair out of my eyes.


Steph said...

Next time when it comes time to pick up the big kids call your friend, Stephanie, and let HER pick them up! Sheeesh, Laura, I didn't get my big gas guzzler for nothing. Let me use it for what God intended it to be used for! Haulin' kids!

Danielle said...

Wow what a day! I agree with Stephanie, lean on your friends for help! We are here for you!

Katie said...

you are superwoman!

Elsha said...

Yeah, we keep trying to tell Kalena that 20 minute naps are BAD and 3 hour naps are GOOD. It's just not getting through!

Heather Tew said...

You are definitely inspiration to us all...I am not sure how you do it. I am glad to see that you remembered to eat in all of that. We wouldn't want Ian showing them how things are done!! That could have been fun!!

Maddock Family said...

And I thought that I had a crazy day. Funny because I actually thought of you on Friday and was wondering how you do it. I really think you got an extra dose of patience and sanity so you could do it!! I seemed to miss that.

Rachel said...

Whew, I got winded just reading that. You are an inspiration to us all!

Brimaca said...

Ok so Sydney and Libby are both over 6 mo. but some of that was really similar to my day. However I would take my day over yours because the addition of more later in the day....whew.

Carrie said...

I grovel at your feet, oh great one!

Megs said...

How do you do it? I just try with my 4 and feel so overwhelmed. I need pointers.