Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Exhaustion Messaging

I know this is going to be the next big thing. Move over texting, here comes exhaustion messaging.

I had a few minutes when there wasn't a child crying and quickly took advantage of the quiet to make 2 phone calls. First I called my friend, Erin, to coordinate some baby shower planning, but had to leave a message. Then I called Jared to see if he could do me a favor. He didn't answer his phone either so I left a message that went something to the effect of "can you pick up the stuff from the airport for me or not? If not you need to let me know so I can plan a trip out there before school is out, blah, blah, blah"

I get a phone call a few minutes later from Erin saying, "Uhm, you might want to call Jared back because you left his message on my answering machine."

What? How did I not notice the difference in the two 'sorry I missed your call' messages? Shouldn't I be highly familiar with Jared's at least? I call him (and miss him) at least once a day! How crazy do I now appear to my friend?

Embarrassing? A little, but it could have been MUCH worse.

Examples, "Hey babe guess what I'm wearing." (the answer is spit-up, but that isn't what you thought is it?) or "Just because I stay home all day doesn't mean I sit around eating bon bons. (insert sobbing)" etc.

The only question I have left is what happened to Erin's message? I didn't leave it on Jared's voicemail, so sorry to who ever got the other half of my exhaustion messaging!


Brooke said...

So sorry to laugh about this, but that is hilarious! I seriously wonder how often we moms do this kind of stuff and don't realize it! I just sent out an email saying that it was's clearly Wednesday. Go team exhaustion!!

Katie said...

That's SO funny!! What a good laugh...

Jaimie said...

Thanks for the laugh! You're always the one who has the great stories :)

Rachel said...

That's Classic!

Becky Shuler said...

Laura, you are such a good storyteller! Thanks for sharing! You are hilarious!

lori frerman said...

That is so awesome! At least you can laugh at yourself!