Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bribery works.

Jared was gone for school again this weekend, and weekends are always busy.

We had pictures taken of the kids Sat morning. Huge thanks to my great friend for doing a straight up favor that I can't repay, ever!

Then off to the last soccer game of the season. Of course since Dad is gone, Tara and Eric played at the same time. I nixed packing a chair for anyone and Ian, Amy, Kyra, and I walked back and forth between fields for an hour cheering for Tara and Eric. A quick trip to Target to replenish the Tylenol supply (mystery fevers last week for Eric, Ian, and Amy) turned into an hour. The kids were very good, but I was exhausted.

I told the kids if they would watch a movie and let me take a nap, I would do something special for dinner. Oh, how wonderful my TWO HOUR nap was! I loved it even more because Kyra was sleeping on my chest.

Here is what we did for dinner...

Tara looks like she could pack a punch with a castiron skillet

Finger licking good

Amy needs one more pepperoni

The boys slurping up the cheese...can't leave any of the good stuff behind.

What we did while they were cooking. Playing SORRY is fun!

Everyone's creations

Tara gives it a thumbs up

The boys dig in

I think fun was had by all (except maybe Jared...poor daddy)


Ally said...

What a fun evening! You're a nice mom. :)

Becky Shuler said...

Good for you! See what a little nap can do for you? Gives you the energy to be so fun and sweet to your kids! Looks like everyone enjoyed their "bribe" reward!

Daniel said...

I've never thought about using the cast iron thingy for pizza. I'll have to try it.

Danielle said...

Looks yummy! We had that same mysterious fever stuff. Lasted less than a day and they acted like nothing was wrong. Hope you guys don't get the lastest thing going around.

Heather Tew said...

Homemade pizza is the best....I am jealous of that nap!! Bribery is a great thing!!!

Brimaca said...

Good mommy.

Megs said...

Such a good Mom. I love when you give me great ideas. Thanks.