Thursday, September 25, 2008

Can you issue Amber Alerts in your own home?

Ian really loves babies. I mean he loves them to the point of danger.

When Amy was a baby, he cuddled so close to her that I thought he was going to smother her. Instead he just managed to give her RSV and a 3 day hospital stay. I can't read minds, but I think she appreciated the oxygen tent and its ability to protect her from her 2 yr old brother, oh and help her breathe.

Kyra has it worse than Amy because now Ian is 3 1/2 instead of 2yrs. He is so much bigger and his motor skills, coordination, and capacity to love have grown immensely. Yesterday I was vacuuming the living room. I glanced over my shoulder to check the baby and thought, "what the crap!" My 3 week old baby was missing from her pack-n-play. She can't move, I'm pretty sure all the doors are locked and no one else is in the house, and I'm fairly certain she hasn't been translated. Where the heck is she?

Here she is...

After watching that I'm sure you can see why I have the utmost confidence in Kyra's safety while in her brother's care! I'm certain she won't get dropped on the tile and that my heart will start beating a normal rhythm shortly!

I've tried to explain to Ian he can't pick her up, but he doesn't get it. Obviously he CAN pick her up because he has done it about 6 times since the vacuuming incident.

By the way, I'm thinking I now have a legitimate excuse to avoid ALL housework...imminent danger to the baby! However, if I follow that train of logic I also can no longer pee, change Amy's diapers, answer a phone call, or blink!

Any suggestions short of locking the baby in a glass box?


Ally said...

Laura, that is precious! Scary, but precious!

Elsha said...

Oh Ian. Your life would be so boring without him.

Megs said...

I gasped when her head flopped in the video. I know all to well what you are going through right now. Ellie thinks Elsie is her toy dolly. I have had more then my fair share of "what the crap" moments. Just the other day I literally turned around to move the wash and here a crash bang wah. Ellie tipped the saucer over that Elsie was in. I feel like I am consistently having to apologize to my poor baby. We have found that gates work, because door knobs don't. I put the baby in a room behind a gate then I vacuum. If I here the gate crash it means I have about 10 seconds to get to the baby before DANGER arrives. Hey good luck. Love the 3 year old independence!

Katie said...

That is so funny.. Ian cracks me up! You can't take your eyes off him!

Dianne said...

He is so sweet to her though....the video was precious on his side, totally nerve racking on your side. You poor thing, you might just have to use a baby sling or babypack every minute of the day. sigh....

kachiai said...

my wife and i thank you for the birth control you have provided in this blog...j/k that actually sounds awesome to me.

emblair said...

Ah, he's such a sweet, sweet big brother...I love how he's so tenderly stroking her head. But I know that his middle name should be Houdini, so good luck with that one!

Brimaca said...

Wow! I'm not sure whether to be impressed by his love and strength or scared for her life!

Steph said...

I have a suggestion....pray, pray and PRAY! It was so sweet watching Ian rocking back and forth and Kyra rooting on his cheek! There is really no way any of your kids will survive their childhood without lots of prayer on your part. Ian is sure to burn the house down one day or bring home some highly contagious, exotic disease that no one has ever seen before. Good luck!

Carrie said...

Lock Ian in the plastic box instead!

Sarah said...

you and your family CRACK ME UP! i can't wait to have kids! :)