Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Ok, so I have mentioned before that I have a serious sense of smell. So, you can imagine how frustrating it is for me to have a boys' room that smells like pee. I can't figure out why it still smells.

I've cleaned the mattress and then covered it in plastic to avoid further stench.

I've crawled around on my hands and knees smelling every inch of carpet to find the pee smell. And, yes I did find some. I don't understand why some kids think it is so much more fun to pee on carpet than in the toilet!! I cleaned those spots several times with different cleaners until I got the smell out.

I've tried the air out technique, etc.

Today when I smelled "it" again I was at a loss. I decided to pull all the toys and clothes tubs out from under the bunk bed and see if the boy had peed down the back of the wall or something. I found another of the smell culprits.

Anyway, if you haven't guessed yet...Ian peed into the mixer part of his cement truck. I didn't figure that out until AFTER I put my hand in there to extract a toy. His reason was "because I realized that I didn't want to pee in the toilet."

I seriously hope that you don't think I'm a horrible house cleaner or something because I have a stinky room. I also hope that if we ever move from this house that I will have solved the odor problem first. I REALLY REALLY hope that any future home buyer doesn't show up here with a black light!!


Danielle said...

I love that you can laugh at these things! Oh the joys I get to look forward to.

Brooke said...

Oh, I'm laughing so hard. We had the same problem in our last house. Couldn't figure out where the problem smell was coming from even after the carpets had been cleaned twice. Gotta love the boys. I'm just waiting (still) for our sleepwalkers to start going places in the middle of the night...at least we now have hardwood?!?

Katie said...

I definitely got a good laugh from this one... too funny!

Brimaca said...

Oh Ian.

Mary Lampros said...

Laura, I cannot believe that child! He is about the cutest handful of a kid I've ever seen! That is too funny that he actually peed into the mixer of a cement truck...makes me want to keep Jacob in diapers until he's 7.

Carrie said...

Holy cow, that is horrifyingly funny! What a rascal!

Rachel said...

Such a boy thing! When Taylor was little we found out (after repeatedly blaming the family dog!) that he was the one peeing on walls, furniture etc. My mom asked him to show us all of the places around the house he had relieved himself (he wouldn't get in more trouble, we just wanted to know where else we should clean). The last place he took us to was Jill's and my room. He liked to stand between the bed and the wall and just pee up a storm! Good times!